Delta Air Lines kicks popular YouTube star off flight for speaking Arabic
American YouTube personality Adam Saleh, 23, was allegedly kicked off his flight by Delta Air Lines for speaking Arabic to his mom on the phone
American YouTube personality Adam Saleh, 23, was allegedly kicked off his flight by Delta Air Lines for speaking Arabic to his mom on the phone
CNN commentator Angela Rye shared a video of her receiving an invasive pat-down from TSA. The intense body search consisted of Rye having her skirt
There are many things that President Barack Obama has done during his term in office that have directly impacted and benefited the lives of individual
A KKK member will spend the next 30 years of his life behind bars for plotting to kill the president. According to the Associated Press,
Blacks and other minorities could face more harassment from law enforcement if a police union can convince Donald Trump to reverse a ban on racial
A toddler Christmas shopping with his grandmother on Saturday is dead as a result of a road rage incident. Police in Little Rock, Arkansas, are
John Sousa, a White teacher at Wesley Chapel High School in Pasco County, Florida, claims that he isn’t racist after telling Black students that Donald
In a story that shows the dangers of allowing drug dealing to occur in a home, a grandmother has been sentenced to jail. Police and
Reverend William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP, is suing American Airlines over an incident of alleged racial discrimination. According to court documents, Rev.
A school bus driver responsible for the deaths of six children in Chattanooga, Tennessee appeared in court yesterday in a probable cause hearing. Johnthony Walker,
There was never any doubt that the FBI has infiltrated Black organizations throughout its history. From the NAACP to the SCLC, any Black organization or
On Thursday, Dec. 14, it was announced that civil rights activist Viola Irene Desmond, who challenged racial segregation in Hogtown in the 1940s, will be
Instances of racism and hatred continue to be tied to Donald Trump following the presidential election. The most recent incident occurred in Missouri during a
Veteran news anchor Amanda Davis was arrested on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016 after she was pulled over near Cumberland Mall in Cobb County, Georgia, for
In 2014, Therian and Recardo Wimbush committed a horrific act of child cruelty that sent them to prison. The married couple was accused of locking
Doris Payne, 86, has taken her shenanigans to the good old Southern city of Atlanta. The international jewel thief took it upon herself to cash
Veteran news journalist Amanda Davis was arrested again today in Cobb County, Georgia around 3 p.m. She was pulled over for driving a blue Mercedes
Another racist has risked their livelihood by showing their ignorance on social media. The latest incident occurred with fireman Ryan Hudson who works in Belding,
In a strange turn of events, as Kanye West recovers from a nervous breakdown his first publicized appearance is a meeting President-elect Donald Trump today at Trump
Lawrence McKinney had the prime years of his life stolen from him by the justice system. In 1978, Mckinney was arrested and convicted of a