Fit Fridays with Holly Lowe Jones: 5 reasons for aging adults to not skip regular exercise
As our parents get older and enter their 60s and 70s, their health becomes more of a concern. Encouraging your aging loved ones to exercise
As our parents get older and enter their 60s and 70s, their health becomes more of a concern. Encouraging your aging loved ones to exercise
As a mother of 5-year old triplets, I’m starting to see exactly how children learn healthy habits. It doesn’t always come from talking at them
To succeed in reaching your fitness goals, effective time-management is essential. Most people have to juggle their fitness goals with their family commitments and career demands among other
Debt is something many people face on a regular basis, but how a person deals with debt is important. Stress related illness such as anxiety
Ashanti Johnson is changing lives. She can confidently boast that she has helped hundreds of women lose thousands of pounds. Located in the South Shore
Running is my jam. To lace up my shoes, turn up my iTunes and go out for a run is something I never regret, even
A.J. Johnson will always be remembered as the cute girl next door who wowed audiences in films such as School Daze and House Party, or
Can you run 10 miles before fatigue starts to set in, or do you feel tired after only a few minutes of exercise? Understanding exercise-related fatigue
As an endurance athlete, I’ve lost up to two pounds of water weight in a training session. I’ve learned to pay close attention to my
Running is one of the best ways to lose weight and get fit. However, many people find running frightening and think it’s something they could
So you decided that this was going to be the year that you were going to get that extra few pounds off, or in some
As I approach another birthday, I am reminded that it gets harder to maintain body weight and size as we age. The same diet plan
As a triathlete and former personal trainer, I am frequently asked if I lift weights. Despite my muscular and toned physique, I don’t adhere to
Black women are putting their health at risk as obesity rates continue to climb within this population. Here are some of the myths that exist
Cardio is underrated. When asked for my advice and opinion on how to allocate time in the gym, I always emphasize the importance of cardio,
Let’s face it: we all want better sex. People take all sorts of pills and potions in the name of upping their sex game. Our
Former semi-pro football player, Quinton Forehand, takes his health very seriously and decided to help others as they take the journey to better health and
Ready, set, go! If one of your New Year’s resolutions included losing weight, eating healthier or overall improving your health, then there are a few
Are you ready to jump start your New Year weight loss goals? Social media sites are loaded with personal trainers who offer their personal journey’s
Capoeira: An Afro-Brazilian art form sweeping the globe Many in pop culture are aware of martial arts and for some it has made the biggest