mental health

Famous Black celebrities with mental illness

Mental illness takes many forms; therefore, the issues those battling mental health face often go unseen. For some Black celebrities with mental health issues, life is often filled

Police tased Black man 20 times before he died

[jwplatform 71zDg6IH] Linwood Lambert, according to police, was having a psychotic episode in a hotel room in South Boston, Virginia. According to police, he was

Are African Americans happy being mediocre?

If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water he’ll jump out; however, if you put him in a pot of cold water and slowly increase the temperature, he adjusts to the increasing heat until his system can no longer compensate. Then, stressed and overwhelmed with what he has endured, he dies. The frog will stay in the increasingly unhealthy, dangerous situation because it happened gradually over time and he ignored his natural ability to sense the danger and get out of the situation. Are African Americans behaving like this frog?

How to overcome depression

Depression is the devil. It seeks to suck the essence of life all the way out of you until you decide to succumb. It doesn’t