Diet plan: Green coffee bean pills

Diet plan: Green coffee bean pills

Another new miracle pill has hit the shelves — green coffee bean. The green coffee bean pills are said to be a natural fat buster that contain chlorogenic acid, which slows absorption of fat from food intake and also activates metabolism of extra fat. This bean is purported to be the best natural source of this ingredient. Also, unlike green tea, this product is caffeine-free.

Who should take this supplement? Doctors have suggested that women who are already slim shouldn’t be taking these pills. They are for adults, 18 and older who are considered overweight, and have a BMI of greater than 25.

Many A-list celebrities such as Demi Moore, Jennifer Lopez and Katy Perry, are already believed to be using the pills with many more set to follow after their stunning appearance at the Oscars.

When purchasing supplements, make sure you look at the list of ingredients. When looking for a green coffee bean supplement, it should contain the chlorogenic acid extract, which can be listed as any of the following:

  • GCA® (green coffee antioxidant)
  • Svetol®
If the bottle doesn’t list ingredients, don’t buy it! That’s what Dr. Oz told his audience when he introduced the product in May 2012.
Like any other diet supplement there are side effects, for the green coffee pills, “Side effects can include anxiety, high blood pressure and IBS [irritable bowel syndrome],” says Romi Polichino, a London-based nutritionist. “People have suffered from any of these things, or panic attacks and epilepsy, shouldn’t take them.”

If you decide to take green coffee bean, the recommended dosage is 400 mg, three times a day — 30 minutes before each meal. It is important to follow proper dosage along with a healthy low fat diet and exercise regimen for maximum results.

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