All seemed well for former reality TV couple Benzino and Althea Eaton, as they’ve spent most of this year happily anticipating the birth of their first child. But all that glitters isn’t gold and that seemed to be proven true for the couple this week when Eaton claimed that Benzino hit her.
According to TheYBF.com, on Monday, Eaton tweeted and then deleted the following message to her fans about her fiancé.
“No matter how mad you get you shouldn’t treat a pregnant women f—— up! Ever. Or hit her back. Enough. Confused,” Eaton wrote.
Fans immediately began bombarding Eaton with questions about her abuse allegations and when Benzino got word of his fiancée’s claims, he fired back with a now-deleted tweet of his own.
“Don’t matter how mad I get, I would never try to slander the person I love or once loved…” Benzino wrote.
Although he deleted the response, Eaton took a screenshot of it and posted it on her Instagram page with a response of her own.
“This mess only gets worse! Then stop acting and treating me f—– up in real life! As long as you can act like everything is all right for people you don’t even know! Fed up!! You don’t care what I say or feel til after the fact. #controlfreak #bipolar #selfish #a–hole#REALLife#singlemom I don’t do this mess for TV! Once loved right so why you posting pics yesterday like we all good? Stop. I wanna be happy but can’t with your back and forth a–!” Eaton’s now-deleted response read.
But that’s not all that she had to say. Check out a series of tweets that Eaton posted about her relationship with Benzino, after the cut.