This really seems to be the end of the love affair between VH1’s lovebirds Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez. During the reunion show, Hernandez and producers revealed to Stevie J that she is pregnant with his child. Minutes later, Stevie J walked out of the room and initially refused to apologize for anything. Walking out on a pregnant woman? There seems to be a lot of this going around in the industry these days. Let’s rewind a few episodes.

Seems like the couples were all in the house that night as well. It kind of makes you wonder if Kirk Frost, PreMadonna, J Nicks and Tiarra Becca were all in on Stevie J’s love affair. Daviette Jackson and Stevie J were even on the Durty Boyz radio show gushing over their new business relationship and Stevie J really tried hard to avoid answering whether or not they were “just business partners,” but did respond by saying he was single. Jackson admitted they were attracted to each other and said something about not stepping in on other people’s relationships then quickly followed up by reiterating that Stevie J claimed he was single.

In March 2016, we saw Stevie J host an event with businesswoman and then “business partner” Daviette Jackson. This particular event was the launch/magazine cover party for her new line “Pretty Panties,” a line of biodegradable feminine products slated to be featured in 122 Wal-Mart stores nationally. This was around the same time Stevie J was announcing he was single and Jackson was dropping several subtle hints about her and Stevie’s relationship on her Snapchat page.

Could Stevie’s cheating ways be the initial cause of the deterioration of his relationship with Hernandez? It was just one month before Stevie was announcing he was pregnant that he and Hernandez were spotted in LA the week of the Grammys celebrating the premiere of their new VH1 show “Stevie J and Joseline Go Hollywood.” That was the last time the were seen two together romantically and if Hernandez is as far along pregnant as she is claiming (and looks), then the timing would definitely be in order for Stevie J to be the baby father and Young Dro to be ruled out.

Story developing. What are your thoughts? Check out the body language and chemistry between the two in the photo gallery pics from the event after the break.