Ford delivered on their promise to bring the ultimate homecoming experience to the campuses of Morehouse College and Spelman College in Atlanta. From October 16-21, the company presented the first-ever “Ford Ultimate Homecoming Takeover” as part of the Ford HBCU Drive2Greatness program to support STEAM initiatives. Ford HBCU Drive2Greatness program kicked off in early September and has challenged HBCU students, alumni and supporters to “Rep Your HBCU” on social media in hopes of winning one of four HBCU STEAM donations for their favorite school.
Students were posting on social media. Here’s a sampling:
Homecoming is always a success
#SpelHouse2017#SpelhouseHomecomingAnother one for the books…
#spelhousehomecomingBest homecoming ever!!! My school’s the best.
#spelhousehomecoming#HBCUWelcome to Atlanta where the players play…
#spelhousehomecomingAin’t no homecoming like
#SpelhouseHomecoming recovery essentials…reorientate, check bank account, sleep, hydrate, wear sunglasses, return mom’s phone calls…