Stevie J shocked pop culture when he got hitched up with fellow music industry veteran Faith Evans in a fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants wedding.
The fallout from the secret Vegas wedding continues, with even more drama on the way. A 20-year-old woman claims she is pregnant by Stevie J and demands thousands of dollars from him.
Keep in mind that Stevie J, born Steven Aaron Jordan, 46, narrowly missed a lengthy prison term for owing more than $1M in back child support for his several other children.
Misha Perry, the alleged side chick, fired up Instagram and put her and Stevie’s dirty laundry on full blast.
Using the Instagram handle of “The Boss Puta,” Perry tries to prove to her haters that she’s pregnant:
Perry captioned the photo: “Leave it up to the social media trolls im not pregnant cause i dont post pics but here you go beggers.”
Perry then proceeded to rip into Stevie J and Faith Evans for their shotgun wedding and alleges Stevie owes her money.
“I hope that new marriage can help you gather up the thousands you stole from me too,” she claims on IG.
She continues: “Lol I hope this time it’s a real marriage and since you getting married I hope faith can help you on some of those child support debts because YOUR ( our ) child will be here in October , and hunny I know this marriage is scam because you got all types of hoes living with you and @therealfaithevans you ain’t the only one hunny , it’s sad that your almost 50 & still getting played like a fiddle, u done got married to a man that got SEVERAL BABYMAMAS AND LIKE THE BOOTY, Yeah he dont want no p—- , biggie is turnin over in his grave you should be ashamed of yourself #steviej #leaveittostevie #ratface #mastersplinter #harmonyjordan.”
Folks discovered Perry’s pregnancy after The Jasmine Brand reported that Stevie J and DJ Traci Steele had a relationship that was way off the radar. Steele, however, soon bolted from the scene after she allegedly discovered that Stevie J had yet another baby on the way, this one allegedly with Perry.
Steele hinted strongly about this very topic when she conducted an interview to promote her new book, 30 Day Man Cleanse.
“I was dating a guy who was completely wrong for me and I knew it because guy was telling me signs, but I was ignoring them,” she told TJB. “I found out this guy is a narcissist. He’s a sociopath. And he’s so scared to grow all that he would date, hang out with and possibly knock up 20-year-olds, and he’s a grandfather.”
What do you make of the latest Stevie J scandal?