Corner store Caroline calls 911 on Black child for brushing against her (video)

Corner store Caroline calls 911 on Black child for brushing against her (video)
“Cornerstore Caroline” calls 911 on child for brushing against her by accident (Image source: YouTube Screenshot)

For the past several months there have been White people who feel emboldened and privileged enough to call 911 on a Black person for just going about their daily lives. But the latest video that is making the rounds is heartbreaking. A mother and her two small children were at a corner store when the woman’s 9-year-old son accidentally brushed against a White woman. In an almost Emmit Till-like moment, the woman accuses the Black boy of grabbing her and committing a sexual assault even though his hands seem full carrying bags for his mom and little sister.

The unidentified White woman then proceeds to make a scene and call 911 claiming that the child “grabbed her a–” to the dispatcher. Both the boy and his little sister begin to cry as a crowd forms around the White woman and begins to shame her for actions against the child. Unrepentant and nasty she gives her address and telephone number to the dispatcher and tells the child he is going to jail. Onlookers soon give her the name Cornerstore Caroline as the scene unfolds. Just as she nastily tells a Black person recording her to go and upload the scene to Worldstar, she suddenly realizes that she has stated her telephone number and home address to the 911 dispatcher and it was recorded by the crowd.

The video can be viewed below:

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