natural hair

Candace shares her natural hair journey

Photos by Melanie L. Brown for Steed Media Service Candace Armour talks about the process of going natural and reclaiming her cultural beauty. Why did you

Keena shares her natural hair journey

Why did you decide to go natural? I wanted to have healthy hair. I’ve had a long, strenuous journey with the “creamy crack” [relaxer] and

” ReeAnna shares her natural hair journey ”

“I decided to go natural to strengthen my hair. After over 20 years of having relaxed hair, my hair has suffered from breakage along with other issues; so going natural was the only way of saving my hair.”

Cantu’s Dametria Mustin discusses healthy hair

Rolling out recently sat down with Cantu’s global marketing director, Dametria Mustin, at the third annual Family Dollar Fabulous event to discuss healthy hair, healthy