
DJ Trauma is a man of Privilège

DJ Trauma is very special and a man of privilege, literally. Right on the heels of a successful month at Radio City Music Hall with

Dermatologist Dr. Chynna Steele gets skin deep

Dr. Chynna Steele is a nationally renowned board certified dermatologist and doctor to the stars and alumna of Harvard University (undergraduate), the University of Chicago

Perlesta A. Hollingsworth Jr. says use your network every time you can

I primarily have three areas of practice, one is sports and entertainment, both are my passions. Growing up, music played a huge part of my life. I am a ’70s child so I was raised on the very best of R&B and soul and the birth of hip-hop. I played instruments and almost every sport but loved football and basketball, so these areas of my practice allow me to feed my passion and keep up on the changing landscapes in both.