Cheryl Polote-Williamson Helps Others Through Her Writing

Cheryl Polote-Williamson is an award-winning entrepreneur and executive producer, best-selling writer, speaker, philanthropist, and a noted transformational leader. She is also the CEO of Cheryl Polote-Williamson LLC, in addition to being the CEO of Williamson Media Group, and now the

Michael Glover is focused on being a husband and father

Michael Glover began his career in the food industry with the McDonald’s Corporation. He took full advantage of the opportunities for further training, mostly on the job, but with highly qualified members of staff from the McDonald’s corporation. Success in

Mitchellville Freedom Park hosts 5th Juneteenth celebration

Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park in Hilton Head, South Carolina, will host its 19th annual Juneteenth celebration on Saturday, June 15, 2019. The food and music festival will include interactive experiences significant to Mitchelville during the Reconstruction Era. As in the

Dungeon Family’s BlackOwned C-Bone shares his experience

Cory Andrews, aka BlackOwned C-Bone, is a member of the hip-hop crew the Dungeon Family and the trio Konkrete. He has made notable appearances on OutKast‘s “Gangsta S—” in 2000, and on “Kryptonite,” the lead single from 2006’s Got Purp?

Will Harris makes it his business to promote brotherhood

Will Harris, former collegiate and professional athlete, is also a husband and father of four beautiful children. Now a personal fitness and athletic trainer, he is a believer in spirituality and self-improvement. He uses his company STATS Athletic Training &

Pastor Olu Brown knows how to make a ‘4D Impact’ on his church

City: East Point, Georgia House of Worship: Impact Church Religion: United Methodist Social Media Handles: Facebook: Olu Brown, Instagram: @pastorolubrown Pastor Olu Brown is a young, influential pastor who is determined to revitalize the church. When did you know that

Comedian Julie Osborne uses life stories for laughs

Born in Cocoa, Florida, comedian Julie Osborne comes from a very diverse background. She started performing stand-up comedy in 2011, however, she has been using her wit and humor to deal with prison inmates and crazy people in corporate America.

Rev. Susan Buckson emphasizes building a godly relationship

City: Aragon, Georgia House of Worship: Bellview African Methodist Episcopal Church Religion: Christian Social media handles: Facebook: Susan H Buckson; Instagram: rev.susanb Rev. Susan Buckson is currently the pastor of Bellview A. M. E. Church in Aragon, Georgia. During our time, she stressed

Dr. Toni Ingram uses technology to connect with her congregation

City: Atlanta, Georgia House of Worship: Greater Turner Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church Religion: Christian Social media handles: @tlenayebi @GTCAMEChurch Dr. Toni Ingram aims to unite her church through communication, whether it be by phone or social media. Dr. Ingram sat