America’s hypocrisy and what we’re gonna do about it

The singular Black male on the United States Supreme Court made one of his most hypocritical decisions to date, by siding with the Court’s conservatives and ruling to effectively eliminate diversity inclusion programs in higher education, something he himself benefited

Injustice in the justice system

We want very specific things from our criminal justice system: safe streets, low crime, the correct people in jail and low-level, nonviolent offenders out of jail. It seems a small request, but even before 14-year old Emmett Till was lynched

Black women inspire Black men; we just don’t say it enough

“Who run the world? Girls.” According to Beyoncé, the power of women is something to be reckoned with. Even Atlanta’s current mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, let the world know women were strong, powerful and in charge when she blared the

Atlanta: The strength of a diverse mecca

Since Harlem was recognized for its Renaissance in the 1920s, people have been seeking the next place to tout as a Black mecca — a place that attracts people and the dreams of those living there. The definition holds steady, but

Check your watch; it’s time to lead

Some people rang in the new year with fireworks, singing and dancing, while others promised to improve themselves, resolving to be more decisive, more focused and more inspiring. And let’s not forget the inauguration of newly elected officials in our

You are free to be healthy, seriously

What is health? Is it understood purely by the habits of our physical workout routines, doctor’s visits or dietary commitments? Can our understanding of health expand beyond traditional exercise, eating rituals and trends in our societal comprehension? Health is defined

Black, bold and ready to do business

In the James Baldwin movie I Am Not Your Negro, a line stands out to me as truth: “Integration came because consumer firms realized that Blacks had dollars.” There it was. Our tolerable integration was not based on the fairness of the

Elections have consequences, for real

“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.” These were the words spoken on Jan. 23, 2009, by then-President Barack Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor. Fast-forward to our present reality, and we see the

Mo’Nique airs grievance with Tyler Perry in taped call

If you thought the saga between actress-comedienne Mo’Nique  and mogul movie director Tyler Perry was over — think again. Rolling out has obtained never before heard phone conversations of Mo’nique, her husband-manager Sydney and Perry. In the recordings, Tyler admits

Mo’Nique’s emails reveal her real issue with Hollywood

Mo’Nique and her hubby-manager Sidney Hicks came on this writer’s radio show “Real Talk with Rashad Richey” (click here for the interview) and exposed even more bombshells about their tumultuous contract negotiation with media mogul Netflix and how Will Packer allegedly

Black Georgia Mayor Denied Keys to City Hall

The first African American man to ever be elected in the Southern city of Camilla, Georgia, says his town is actively involved in discrimination against him and Black citizens. After he was elected he asked the Council for keys to

Georgia has no love for minority contractors

As Georgia’s hope to become the new home to the second headquarters of Amazon has made headlines, another Peach State story has been silenced for years — the plight of minority contractors who do everything from building infrastructure to performing