Mom, stepdad charged in brutal death of 3-year-old girl

So far in 2019, the public has seen an increase in the cases involving the abuse of children in the national news cycle. Unfortunately, in Georgia, the life of another child is lost after another incident of horrific abuse. Janiyah Armanie

Racist customer gets sushi and raw fists from woman

A sushi restaurant in Long Beach, California erupted in chaos after an impatient White man decided to get racist. The unidentified man was upset that he had to wait for seating at Aburi Premium AYCE Sushi restaurant. He then decided

Chicago mom & daughter arrested for killing teen

A Chicago teen is dead and three suspects, including a mother and daughter, are in police custody accused of her murder. The mutilated body of Marlen Ochoa-Uriostegui, 19, who was previously reported missing, was found in a trash can outside

Chicago top cop stole $363K of mom’s Social Security

When former Chicago Police Commander Kenneth Johnson, 55, was on the job, he received wide praise for his ability to reduce crime in the troubled Englewood section of the city. Now it is apparent that during his time as a

“Racist Westboro Church Targets Atlanta HBCU Commencements”

Over the past four years students of Morehouse College, Spelman College, and Clark-Atlanta University have labored for educational and personal development in pursuit of their degrees. But this year the upcoming commencement and baccalaureate ceremonies at these Atlanta HBCUs have

“Maleah Davis: Suspect’s Disturbing Actions Before Arrest”

The news that Derion Vence, the man who reported 4-year-old Maleah Davis missing on Saturday, May 4, has been arrested has shocked many and surprised few. After police stated that his story had “blanks” those blanks are now being filled in disturbing

Jail guards indicted for inmate beating and cover-up

A horrible case of a Black inmate being abused in a Kentucky prison has resulted in a federal indictment of two former guards and their supervisor. A press release on Wednesday, May 9, 2019, announced the federal grand jury indictments of

Dennis Rodman accused of robbing a yoga store

Troubled former NBA star Dennis Rodman is back in the news and may soon be back in jail. An upscale Yoga store is accusing Rodman of a brazen and bizarre robbery that occurred on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, in Newport

Police Focus on Stepfather in Search for Maleah Davis

A stepdad’s story seems to be falling apart regarding the alleged kidnapping of his stepchild near Houston. Darion Vence told police that his medically fragile stepdaughter Maleah Davis, 5, was abducted by three Hispanic men while he was stopped on